

Hi! I’m Anna,
Mother of 2 young boys, passionate career and coach business owner.
After 15 years of working in corporate HR I found my real passion in supporting women to reach their career aspirations through coaching. I have always been passionate about working with people and have an innate curiosity and compassion for real stories and life experiences of women in particular. Communities of women have featured strongly through my life from my 3 best friends of 35 odd years to mothers groups and colleagues new and old. The thing which all of these communities share is a deep connection and support without which I wouldn’t be the woman I am today!​
So it goes without saying that when I launched Upgrow, one of the most important aspects was building a community and creating a safe a supportive place for women to be vulnerable and real about what they aspire to in their lives. In my own experience as a women, a parent, a leader, I have seen and experienced the impact that not feeling empowered, or in control of our career choices can have. It can also be incredibly isolating and so to sit side by side with other women who face the same, or similar challenges, in their lives and to see them grow with you can be invaluable.
To have the opportunity to make a difference to the lives of women seeking to take back control of their career pathways and grow their confidence in an absolute privilege and I look forward to welcoming you to Upgrow!